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5 New WooCommerce Extensions at YIThemes
With the release of five new extensions, YIThemes have increased their portfolio of WooCommerce extensions by 50% and are now offering a total of 15 plugins. They are constantly looking for new solutions to make your life as an administrator easier as well as increase a customer’s shopping experience. Whilst Your Inspirations Themes are offering their extensions both as free and premium versions, the latter come with enhanced premium features.
Check out the new WooCommerce extensions:
YITH WooCommerce Payment Gateway
This extension allows you to integrate the comprehensive and secure payment gateway into your WooCommerce theme.
Check out the premium features:
- Choose transaction mode “Redirect” or “API”
- Allow customers to pay via credit cards
- Give customers the option to pay via eCheck
- Create itemized orders
- Process refunds with just one click directly to a user’s credit card
Purchase YITH WooCommerce Payment Gateway from just $79 »

YITH WooCommerce Stripe
The extension integrates the very popular Stripe payment gateway with your WooCommerce-powered online shop. It allows you to accept credit card payments right within your own store. As customers are not referred to an external website for making their payment, cart abandonment rates will most likey be decreased.
Check out the premium features:
- 2 Payment modes: Standard (Checkout within your own shop) or Stripe Checkout (Redirect to Stripe Checkout Page)
- Authorize & capture invoice amount immediatley or later after order has been shipped
- Save card data
- Offer Bitcoin payment via Stripe Checkout
- Process refunds right from the WooCommerce panel in one single click
- Configure your site through webhooks
Purchase YITH WooCommerce Stripe from just $79 »

YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode
This plugin allows you to turn your ecommerce shop into an e-catalog. Add to Cart buttons and the access to checkout pages will removed. Also, product prices will be hidden and can be replaced with a custom text. Of course the e-catalog can be reverted to a fully-fledged online store at any time.
Check out the premium features:
- Hide product prices and replace them with custom text
- Add inquiry forms to single product pages
- Add custom buttons, e.g. call for price, to single product pages to invite customers to contact store admin via phone, Skype or email
- Disable reviews system
- Create and manage an exclusion list: Specify products to show “Add to Cart” and/or “Price”
Purchase YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode from just $49 »

YITH WooCommerce Quick View
This extension allows your customers to quick view products right from the item overview page. Customers do not have to wait for the single product page to be loaded but can quickly view a product image along with a description and an add to cart button in a nice pop-up. From there they are also be able to place item into the shopping cart.
Check out the premium features:
- Show quick view or customized button to open the quick view
- Browse products back and forth within the popup
- Choose which information to show, e.g. product price, rating, image
- Show different types of images
- Quick view as a modal window or with a cascading unrolling effect
- Access product detail pages from quick view
- Share quick views in social media
- Customize quick view button and modal window
Purchase YITH WooCommerce Quick View from just $49 »

YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice and Shipping List
As the name suggests, this extension helps you to automatically generate PDF invoices for orders on the fly. This plugin is a real time-saver and allows you to customize templates and create pro-forma invoices.
Check out the premium features:
- Customize file names of pro-forma invoices,invoices, and shipping lists
- Automatic Dropbox backups
- Add notes & footer
- Change save path
- Create pro-forma invoices
- Show SSN & VAT at checkout and inside PDF files
- Create different templates for documents
Purchase YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice and Shipping List from just $79 »
In case you have not launched a shop or blog yet, check out their aweseome collection of WooCommerce and WordPress themes.
UPDATE: A day after we have published this post, YIThemes have relased yet another extension called YITH WooCommerce Terms and Conditions Popup and announced the developement of YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote.
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