Descript Releases Rooms, Zoom Integration & Automatic Multicam

The Descript team has just introduced two new ways to record a podcast and a new AI editing feature that will save you hours using the audio/video editing tool.

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Descript Rooms

Currently in beta, Descript Rooms is a new, seamlessly integrated, collaborative recording studio with reliable 4K multitrack recording, a great guest experience, and more. Now you can record, edit, and publish a podcast without ever leaving Descript.

You can record with up to 10 people in the highest quality audio and video. And no need to worry about your internet going down or a guest’s computer crashing. Rooms captures locally on everyone’s computer and constantly uploads to Descript.

New Zoom Integration

They have also introduced a new Zoom integration that lets you easily import multitrack Zoom sessions with a single click. Zoom doesn’t have an editor. No worries, because now you can open your Zoom recordings in Descript. You’ll get a new, transcribed project with multitrack sequences so everything stays in sync as you edit.

Automatic Multicam

Automatic Multicam is a new Underlord feature that uses AI to switch between visual layouts such as side-by-side or stacked speakers.

When you’re shooting a multi-person video, you’ll always want to make sure that the person talking is mostly on screen. But this is a tedious and time-consuming task. With Descript, you can now make these edits in seconds.

Descript edits your entire episode so that the person speaking is always on screen when you want them to be. Of course you can combine it with other Underlord features like Edit for clarity.


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