How To Create An Engaging Online Quiz With WordPress

When mentioning a quiz, some people tend to immediately think of a social pub quiz. Well, WordPress can really be used for many purposes, but a pub quiz – even if it’s virtually – will most certainly fail. However, it is perfectly suited for creating an engaging online quiz for your website or blog – especially when using Formidable Forms.

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Check Out The Automated Quiz Add-On For Formidable Forms »

Online Quizzes

Form Builder
Drag & Drop Fields To Create A Quiz Form ©Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms released their Quiz Maker add-on back in September 2018. It allows you to use your forms for creating quizzes with automated grading and more advanced features.

The power of viral quizzes is no secret. Just think of Buzzfeed! They have made quizzes their main type of content. But what are the reasons for this? They are addictive, easy to share and very engaging! When used properly, they can generate tons of traffic and leads. Hasn’t everyone of us been sent such a quiz by friends before?

Here are some of the most popular types of online quizzes:

  • Trivia Quiz
  • Yes or No Quiz
  • Personality Quiz
  • True or False Quiz
  • Multiple-choice Quiz

But they can be used not only for the trivial pastime, but also for education purposes. All multiple-choice questions can be graded instantly. Not only do you save resources this way, but you also have more time for other things, such as visiting the pub around the corner.

Quiz Maker Add-On

Grading Scale
Grading Scale ©Formidable Forms

So, how do you create such a quiz with Formidable Forms? First, you need a Business license to get access to the Quiz Maker add-on. After that, it takes just 5 to 10 minutes of your time to finally publish your very own viral quiz. Simply create a quiz form via the intuitive drag & drop WordPress form builder by adding dropdown or radio fields. Then add a Quiz Score field along with a form entry containing the correct answers into the form. This entry will then be used as a quiz key for scoring.

If you want the quiz taker to see the score after completing the quiz, you would need to add the Quiz Score field in the form success message. Publish the quiz form on your site and start generating traffic and leads.

Formidable Forms – The WordPress Form Builder Plugin »


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