Tag Adobe

Figma Acquisition

Adobe To Acquire Figma

After months in the making, Figma has entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquired by Adobe for about $20 billion in cash and stock. They are confident that they will reach their goal of “eliminating the gap between…

Adobe Acrobat DC

Adobe Launches Acrobat Pro DC With Advanced e-Sign

Adobe just launched Acrobat Pro DC with advanced e-sign. It’s an all-in-one e-signature and PDF solution that features digital document tools, modern collaboration features, and broad electronic signature capabilities. Acrobat Pro DC With e-Signatures Acrobat’s e-signatures powered by Adobe Sign…

Premiere Pro Templates

MotionElements: Launch of Premiere Pro Templates

After introducing animated GIFs earlier this month, MotionElements just announced the launch of yet another category. Meet Premiere Pro templates. Premiere Pro Templates The new product line of Adobe Premiere Pro CC and motion graphics templates are perfect for video…

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