Tag Product Schema


SEOPress Updates Organization & Product Schemas

Benjamin from SEOPress has just announced the release of version 7.4 of their SEO plugin for WordPress, introducing updated organization and product schemas and more. Organization & Product Schemas SEOPress has added the following new properties to the Organization schema…


SureCart 2.0 Introduces Shop & Product Pages

Adam from SureCart has just announced version 2.0 of their powerful e-commerce plugin for WordPress, introducing customizable product and shop pages, and custom email sender addresses. SureCart 2.0 SureCart is a really powerful e-commerce plugin for WordPress. However, it currently…


SEOPress Adds Pros & Cons To Product Schema

SEOPress has just released version 6.0 of their WordPress SEO plugin, introducing pros and cons for Product schema, Matomo Analytics stats widget, a massive performance boost, and more. Optimize The SEO Of Your WordPress Sites » New Features In addition,…

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