Uxcel Rolls Out Improved Designer Profiles

Uxcel has just launched enhanced designer profiles for its e-learning and career platform for UI/UX designers. Now is the time to show off your design skills in style.

Designer Profiles

Designer Profile
Build Your Designer Profile ©Uxcel

Behind every top designer is usually a well-crafted professional profile. The Uxcel team has enhanced Uxcel Profiles to bring all your achievements, projects and experience together in one place.

Check out the benefits:

  • Build your profile on autopilot:
    When you complete a course, achieve a certification or earn a badge, your achievements are automatically added to your profile.
  • Showcase your skills and best work:
    Curate your top projects and showcase your top design skills with the Skill Graph.
  • Expand your network and personal brand:
    Follow your favourite voices from the Uxcel community and build your own following.
  • Track your progress:
    Track your learning and view your profile and project statistics with your personal analytics dashboard.

If you are an existing user, you should complete your profile now to build your designer presence within the Uxcel community and beyond. Not a user yet? Get your free Uxcel account now or save 25% on all plans using this link.


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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

Articles: 4412

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