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Usermaven: Google Search Console Integration in Early Access

It’s only been a week since Usermaven introduced visitor journeys, and they’re already rolling out another big update. The privacy-friendly, cookieless web and product analytics platform has just announced a Google Search Console integration in early access and much more. Web Analytics Top Sources Overview Top Sources Overview ©Usermaven Usermaven has added a new overview option to Top Sources in web analytics. This allows you to quickly identify which channels generate the most traffic for your website. Device Type Overview Device Type Overview ©Usermaven They have also added an option to show the types of devices your website visitors are using, such as laptop, mobile and desktop. Default Domain Default Domain ©Usermaven If you track multiple websites, it can be useful to set the default domain in Usermaven’s web analytics dashboard at Workspace Settings > General. This way you can quickly access the analytics for a specific website without having to manually select the domain each time. Online Visitors […]