
Stefan is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!
M2 PDF Customizer

Amasty Releases 7 Brand New Magento 2 Extensions

The Amasty team just announced the arrival of seven brand new extensions for the Magento 2 ecommerce platform including Store Pickup, Shipping Cost Calculator, and PDF Customizer. Check them out below. New M2 Extensions Cron Scheduler offers to peak website…


Billbee: Neue Anbindung an den Limango Marktplatz

Billbee, die Komplettlösung für Multichannel-Händler mit Auftragsabwicklung, Warenwirtschaft und Automatisierung, hat soeben eine neue Integration mit dem Limango Marktplatz vorgestellt. limango Anbindung Gegründet 2007 und seit 2009 Mitglied der Otto Group, ist Limango heute einer der führenden Spezialisten für Familienshopping…

Fleeq Chat

Fleeq Now Comes With New Chat & Inbox Features

Fleeq just added a missing feature to their popular workplace communication platform. Say hello to Fleeq Chat! Fleeq Chat Fleeq is everything you ever needed in a visual video platform and more including easy creation, real time updates, localization, analytics,…

Point Soft

Fontspring: Four New Fonts Are In The Bloom

Fontface, the Fontspring Font Review, has published yet another four brand new typefaces in their May 2019 issue. Add them to your typeface collection while they’re hot! Point Soft Designed by Natanael Gama, Point Soft looks as comforting as a…

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