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Better Uptime: New Monitor & Status Page Resources APIs
In this update, Better Uptime significantly expanded the capabilities of their APIs. The infrastructure monitoring platform simplifed the way you access your data for reporting, manage status pages, and edit monitors.
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New Monitor APIs
Do you want to review the performance of a monitor? With the new Better Uptime monitor APIs, you can now easily get a quick overview of the monitor’s response times and uptime.
The response times API is ideal for anyone tracking response times across different regions.
The uptime summary includes the uptime percentage, total downtime, average incident duration and more. It serves as a great snapshot to show progress towards an SLA goal.
New Status Page Resources API
Do you need to edit your status pages programmatically? With the new status page resources API, you can add, update, or delete any monitors on your status pages with ease.
You are now able to edit details such as monitor names, their order, and whether you want to display their incident history or not.
Monitor Management
Are you looking for monitors in a particular monitor group? Well, now you can query for the monitors with a specific group_id.
Do you want to set an escalation policy for your monitors programmatically? Simply use the new policy_id parameter.
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