Descript Improves AI Stock Speakers

The Descript team has just announced the February update for their audio/video editing tool, introducing better AI stock speakers, an improved quick recorder, and more.

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AI Stock Speakers

AI Voices
More, Better & Easier-to-Use Voices ©Descript

In December 2023, the Descript team began an overhaul of the Stock Speaker library, adding new voices and tweaking the interface. They also released new tagging to help you choose the right speaker. There are now 21 stock voices, ranging from casual, older, masculine Robert to corporate, adult, feminine Monica.

Quick Recorder

Quick Recorder
Quick Recorder Update ©Descript

Descript has also improved the speed and reliability of the Quick Recorder. Now you can choose to record and share, which gives you a published share page almost as soon as you stop recording, or you can choose to record and edit, which takes you straight into a new Descript project. Either way, your recordings are uploaded to the cloud as you record.

Descript Labs

Descript Labs
ร€ la Carte Beta Testing ©Descript

Descript Labs gives you the chance to try out some new Descript features while they’re still in beta. Starting with a redesigned timeline, you’ll be able to choose which upcoming features you’d like to try with a toggle in the Settings menu. It’s a great way to preview changes to Descript that will affect your workflow, and help shape the final product by letting them know what you think.


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