Heartbeat Rolls Out Group Badges, Automated Groups & Gamification

Murtaza from Heartbeat has just updated Groups to allow you to use them as badges, made some major improvements to the mobile app and pushed a number of other quality of life fixes for their SaaS community platform.

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Heartbeat added a new option for both desktop and mobile to use groups as badges. Wherever you see a member of a particular group, the group name will appear next to them! This is an easy way to show who’s a community admin, moderator, etc. Simply go to Settings > Manage Groups and select the Badge option under Visibility to turn it into a badge.

Automated Groups & Gamification

Gamify Your Community ©Heartbeat

Automated Groups & Gamification is a powerful new feature that allows you to automatically add members to different groups in your community based on preset filters.

Combined with the new Badges feature for groups, you can even gamify your community with different badges that members can earn for engaging with others. You can also track disengaged members. Get started in no time with 8 pre-built templates.

Check out some use cases:

  • Giving “Helpful” badges to members who are frequently leaving comments.
  • Tracking users who may be slipping away.
  • Segmenting users who attend the most events for beta releases.

In other news, groups can now be hidden from all users except for Admins and Moderators. Just select the “hidden” option when creating a new group or editing an existing one! You can now also use custom HEX code colours for groups.

What’s More?

The Heartbeat team has also replaced the mobile chat component, as this was the cause of the majority of lag reports on mobile devices. As a result, you should now see a much smoother typing and posting experience on mobile.

They have also improved the loading and display of the events page, allowing you to see events more than 6 months in the future. The @mention picker now allows spaces and special characters when searching.


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