MyFonts: Five Simply Irresistible Fonts Now Available

It’s been a while since we published a font-related article. Which is a shame, considering how much we love fonts. Some people even say that we are font addicts. There are 5 new fonts on MyFonts from Cardigan, Outerend, phospho and more worth mentioning.

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No Bad Days

No Bad Days
A Unique, Handwritten Font ยฉMyFonts

No Bad Days by Cardigan is a unique, fun, handwritten family of two typefaces. It consists of a bold brush script with a supporting thin handwritten script that adds a fun and edgy style to any design. Whether you need a hand-drawn feel for a logo or a bold, organic script that jumps off any page. No Bad Days has you covered!


Spearion Font Family by Outerend ยฉMyFonts

The core idea for creating the Spearion fonts came from concepts of speed, flow, and movement, just like spearheads moving in different directions. Designed and published by Outerend, these slab fonts are excellent for logos, movies, apps, TV credits, marketing materials, and more.

Mono Spec

Mono Spec
Mono Spec Font Family by Halbfett ยฉMyFonts

Designed by Deni Anggara and published by Halbfett, Mono Spec is a monospaced family of sans serif typefaces with an industrial look and feel. In the default setting, all characters in the typeface have the same width. There is also a sister family called Mono Spec Stencil.


Gyst Font Family by Phospho ยฉMyFonts

Designed by Roland Hรถrmann and published by Phospo, Gyst is a neo-humanist sans serif typeface that combines the principles of grotesque and antiqua. Gyst ranges from a modern humanist sans serif to a captivating calligraphic serif, with its classic upright serifs and true italic serifs. It’s great for both body text and display use.

Twogether Sans

Twogether Sans
Twogether Sans Font Family by Sudtipos ยฉMyFonts

Published by Sudtipos, Twogether Sans builds on the achievements of Twogether Rounded with a more comprehensive system. It continues to be an outstanding choice for branding, editorial design, promotional materials, packaging and digital applications.


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