SureCart Announces Subscription Saver & Insights

As you can see from the pricing plans, Adam and his SureCart team have an ambitious roadmap for their new e-commerce platform for WordPress. However, they seem to be on the right track, as he just gave a sneak peek of the upcoming subscription saver and insights features that will be released in December.

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Subscription Saver

If you offer subscriptions to your customers, the cancellation rate is crucial for the success of your business. It indicates how often your customers cancel their subscription. As you may have guessed, subscription saver tries to reduce the churn rate, helps identify the reasons for churn and increase subscription-based revenue for your business.

Cancellation Insights
Cancellation Insights ยฉSureCart

After a customer clicks the Cancel Plan link in their SureCart account, a modal asks them for the reasons and tries to stop them from cancelling. You can set custom reasons, such as technical issues, too expensive or switching to another product, to gain valuable insights. Customers can also add an explanation in a text area field. There is an “I don’t want to cancel” link at the bottom of the modal.

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Subscription Saver
Subscription Saver UI – Cancellation Survey ยฉSureCart

Once they have filled in the form and clicked “Continue”, the subscription saver tries to prevent cancellation by offering a discount on the next payment. You can make a different offer for each of the cancellation reasons. For example, if a customer is going on holiday, you can offer them a subscription break instead of losing them.

Redemption Limits
Redemption Limits ยฉSureCart

SureCart will also add an option to prevent people abusing the subscription saver, e.g. you can set how often a subscriber can use one of these offers. Work is also underway on a feature that will allow subscribers to pause their subscription and on per store notifications.

Subscription saver and insights are included in SureCart Business and Pro plans.


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