Tag chat


Nifty Announces Reimagined Notifications

Last month, Nifty announced Reimagined My Tasks for their project management tool. Now, they introduced Reimagined Notifications and much more. Easily Manage Projects, Work & Communications » Reimagined Notifications With Nifty’s reimagined notifications, you can easily sift through updates by…

RMA For Magento 2 By Amasty

Amasty Announces Revised RMA Extension For Magento 2

Last week, Amasty announced a fully reinvented RMA for M2. The extension makes the returning process of products easier and faster for both customers and admins. Thus store admins will not lose customers’ requests, can research return reasons faster and…

Fleeq Chat

Fleeq Now Comes With New Chat & Inbox Features

Fleeq just added a missing feature to their popular workplace communication platform. Say hello to Fleeq Chat! Fleeq Chat Fleeq is everything you ever needed in a visual video platform and more including easy creation, real time updates, localization, analytics,…

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