Tag typography

Starter Templates 3.0

Astra Announces Starter Templates 3.0

Astra’s Starter Templates have been available in version 2.0 since the beginning of 2020. It’s about time for a major update, isn’t it? Good news, the Astra team just introduced their new and improved Starter Templates 3.0! Check Out The…

Global Colours

Stackable Rolls Out Global Colours & Typography

Stackable just rolled out a couple of exciting new features for their Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks that will dramatically change the way you create sites with the WordPress block editor. Welcome global colours and typography. Create Amazing Pages With Stackable Premium…

Global Design System

Elementor Announces Global Design System

In the last few versions the Elementor team has been working towards a full global design system. This will really revolutionize the workflow for creating a complete website with the WordPress page builder. That said, Elementor Pro V3.0 will feature…