Tag Video Playlist

Presto Player

Presto Player 3 Beta Now Available

Adam from Presto Player has just announced the release of version 3.0 of their popular video player plugin for WordPress, currently in beta. Presto Player 3.0 Beta For the past 8 months, the Presto Player developers have been working on…

Presto Player

Presto Player Adds New Preset & Design Options

Adam from Presto Player has just announced new preset and design options to their popular video player plugin for WordPress. Meet a new Show Time Elapsed and a new Playlist Highlight Color setting. New Features By popular demand, Presto Player…

Presto Player

Presto Player 2.0 Announces Video Playlists

After introducing searchable captions in December 2022, Presto Player is back with an exciting update. The popular video player plugin for WordPress has just announced fully responsive video playlists. Video Playlists Presto Player 2.0 comes with Video Playlists, a new…