AB Split Test Rolls Out Sub-Goals & Revamped Click Selector

Tom from AB Split Test has just introduced sub-goals, a revamped click selector, query string click conversion and more for their WordPress split testing and conversion optimization plugin.

New Features

AB Split Test has added two major updates to version 1.7.4 to improve reliability and usability. Let’s dive right in.

  • Sub-Goals:
    Subgoals is an Agency Plan feature only. It allows you to collect more data to see how your test variations affect each step of your funnel. Choose from page view, element click, time active, text on page, JavaScript and more.
  • Revamped Click Selector:
    As the previous on-click selector often conflicted with other plugins, they have completely rewritten it, making it much more reliable and accurate.
  • Query String Click Conversion:
    To get started, simply add ab-click-conversion-{testid} to your query string. Make sure you replace {testid} with your test ID.
  • Class Click Conversion:
    Add this special class to any element you want to trigger a conversion when clicked.

Finally, AB Split Test has added more value to its Agency plan by supporting more websites. Coming next month: Fingerprint conversion!


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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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