Advanced Ads Releases Free Page Peel Ad Add-On

Thomas from Advanced Ads just announced the release of a free add-on for the WordPress ad management plugin that allows you to create Page Peel ads with ease.

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Check Out Advanced Ads (Pro) ยป

New Page Peel Ad Add-On

Page Peel Ad Demo
Page Peel Ad Demo ยฉAdvanced Ads

Page Peel ads aka corner peel effects seem like a relic from the past for some. However, they can certainly make an impact, especially on larger screens. What exactly are they?

They let you tease an ad in the top left or right corner of your WordPress site. This is then displayed in full when a user hovers their mouse over the small corner at the top.

Placement Options
Page Peel Placement Options ยฉAdvanced Ads

The free add-on lets you select one of the four corners of a website to place the Page Peel ad. You can select an existing image ad and set the size of the collapsed ad and the open ad.

Of course, it is also perfectly integrated with Advanced Ads and its add-ons. For example, you can easily track both impressions and clicks using the Tracking add-on and display the ad only on larger screens by using the โ€œBrowser Widthโ€ visitor condition. This feature is included in the Responsive add-on. If you use Advanced Ads Pro, you can even hide the Page Peel ad after a user clicks on it once.

In the future, it is planned to offer the Page Peel banners only in the Pro version of Advanced Ads. Before that, they want to optimize the usability and layout options.

Check Out Advanced Ads (Pro) ยป


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