AudioPen Adds Voice Note Appendix & More Languages

Louis from AudioPen has just added an exciting new Voice Note Appendix or Append to Note feature and many more output languages to his AI speech-to-text app.

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Append to Note

Append to a Note
Append to a Note with Your Voice ©AudioPen

What if you wanted to add content to an existing note with your voice, and have AudioPen remember the context of the note you’re adding to? Well, now you can!

Just open a voice note, scroll to the bottom, click the Append to Note button and start talking.

AudioPen will append new text to the note, remembering the style in which the note was originally written and keeping the style consistent for the newly appended bit. For older notes, it’ll just use the default style you’re in.

In both cases, it will use the context of the existing note to ensure that the appended part maintains the textual flow of the note you’re working on.

More Output Languages

Output Language
More Output Languages ©AudioPen

AudioPen now supports a range of new output languages. Go to the app’s settings to update your output language, or select a few of your favourite languages from the Quick Selections section.

Here’s the list of new output languages now supported: Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Georgian, Gujarati, Hindi, Kazakh, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Persian, Punjabi, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Thai and Urdu.


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