
Stefan is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!
Skillshare Badges

Skillshare Introduces Badges For Easier Class Discovery

Skillshare just introduced a whole new way to discover your next online class. Skillshare badges allow you to easily discover the most engaging and demystifying classes on their elearning platform. Skillshare Badges & Captions Skillshare Originals Created by Skillshare, these…

Affinity Designer For iPad

Meet Affinity Designer For iPad + Launch Offer

After years of careful development, Serif recently announced the launch of Affinity Designer for iPad. This is especially good news for users of Affinity Designer who love the fast, powerful and precise award-winning graphic design app for Mac and Windows.…

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