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Brizy 2.0: New Theme Builder, Mega Menu Builder & More
Things have been a little quiet around Brizy lately. But with the release of Brizy 2.0 the user-friendly WordPress website builder is back with a bang. They just introduced a new theme builder, a mega menu builder, and much more.
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Brizy 2.0
Long announced this big update marks the official launch of Brizy Pro. It is such a massive update that we will only look at the feature highlights. And there are a lot of…
- Global Block Conditions
With this feature the Theme Builder functionality is finally complete. It allows you to set an automatic display condition such as Show on All Pages for any global block, especially headers and footers. - Brizy Sync
It’s a unique, exciting feature that allows you to save each block or even entire pages from a specific WordPress installation and instantly access them from different WordPress admins or via Brizy Cloud. No more exporting and importing. Simply launch a project in Brizy Cloud and move it to WordPress or vice versa at any time. - Mega Menu Builder
You can easily create complex mega menus by adding any element from the sidebar. - Lottie Element
The new element allows you to add new animations on your Brizy landing pages or sites. - Table Element
It’s just the perfect element to display tabular data, pricing tables, and even comparison charts. Again, you can easily drag and drop images, texts, buttons or icons into tables. - Working in Draft
You can put any page in draft mode and work on it without your visitors seeing the changes and incremental modifications. - Save & Clear Layout Options
You can delete a layout to start from scratch, or click a button to save an entire page for later use. - Absolute & Fixed Positions for Elements
This feature allows you to better control the position of certain elements such as a “Back to top” button or a “Popular” ribbon in the corner of a pricing table. - Fixed Pixel Size for Images
This feature will give you full control over your image sizes as you can now choose between ‘%’ and ‘px’ for image width and height. - Active Color State for Elements
Accordion, Switch, Tabs, Gallery & Menu elements now come with active color options.
What’s next? The Brizy team is currently working on a big design update for pre-made layouts and landing pages, a WooCommerce Builder, and on stories and funnels.
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Of course, these are very interesting features. But what about reducing elements overloading at page? Does Brizy 2.0 also generate incredible number of excessive DIV tags (from 3 – 10) for showing a simple header?