BuddyBoss Announces Live Messaging, Group Notifications & Reactions

The BuddyBoss developers have just released the live messaging feature for BuddyBoss Platform Pro from beta and announced group notifications and reactions.

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New Features

  • Massive overhaul of the private messaging component: Members can now archive/unarchive private and group messages. This replaces the previous hidden conversation options.
  • Introduction of the first gesture swipe functionality in the BuddBoss app.
  • Messages are now grouped by day for providing a better overview.
  • Improved input area and media uploading experience by adding progress bars.
  • Better indication of online, restricted, blocked and deleted members of your community.
  • Improved group messages: When members join or leave a group, this no longer triggers notifications to other group members.
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  • Better group membership logic: New group members are automatically added to an existing group conversation. On the other hand, members leaving a group are automatically removed.
  • Improved email notifications: BuddyBoss now groups all your unread messages into a single email digest. It can be set from 5 minutes to up to 24 hours following the last unread message.
  • They have made significant improvements to the search functionality with a faster and more intelligent search logic.
  • Official release of the live messaging feature with real-time typing indicator, instant messaging and real-time online status indicator for both BuddyBoss web and app which is powered by Pusher.
  • Members can now manage their notification preferences for all devices from one single place.
  • In December, they will release group notifications. This will help improve group engagement significantly. Members will then receive notifications when new posts are published.
  • In January, BuddyBoss will release reactions for activity feed posts and replies. Soon after, they will also be available for forums and private messaging.

Lastly, Tom from BuddyBoss announced that they will start releasing feature more often, hire more lead developers and resolve issue much faster in the future.

PS: Do you want to add a powerful directory solution to your BuddyBoss community? Similar to Facebook Pages? Meet Spaces Engine!


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