Creative Themes Finally Introduces Blocksy 2.0

Today marks the start of two exciting events. One is Black Friday and the other is the release of Blocksy 2.0. According to Creative Themes, it’s “everything you might need and then some more in an accessible and intuitive package”.

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Blocksy 2.0

Advanced Posts
New Advanced Posts Block for Gutenberg ©Blocksy

It would take far too long to cover all the new features and improvements, so we will focus on the highlights of Blocksy 2.0. For more details, take a look at the changelog.

Feature Highlights

  • Performance Improvements:
    Blocksy never loads JavaScript or CSS when it is not needed. The same goes for the PHP code, which is now carefully structured in separate modules. After upgrading to version 2.0, the system will purge all obsolete values from your database. You will also notice a speed increase in both the frontend and the backend compared to version 1.X.
  • Dynamic Data & Advanced Posts:
    With the new native Advanced Posts and Dynamic Data blocks for Gutenberg, Blocksy now allows you to create stunning post layouts in the blink of an eye. They have big plans for Gutenberg in the future, including adding full Woo support.
  • New Woo Features:
    Creative Themes has integrated many new extensions in version 2.0 such as variation swatches, filters, product comparison, size guides, custom thank you pages, free shipping progress bar, advanced reviews, product brands, and more.

Blocksy 2.0 also comes with a new dark mode and improved colour palettes.

New Pricing

Finally, a new pricing structure has been introduced to reflect developments over the past few years. Prices start at $69 per year and $199 for a lifetime licence. Speaking of which, you might be interested in Blocksy’s Black Friday deal.


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