Elementor: New Flexible Layout For A Top-Notch Design Experience

The Elementor team did it again, one great new feature follows the next. Just think of the amazing design-oriented Popup Builder! With Elementor 2.5 they just announced a flexible layout for their WordPress page builder plugin.

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Flexible Layout

Elementor now comes with a set of web design controls including Position Absolute, Position Fixed, Inline Elements, Vertical & Horizontal Flex Alignment, and more.โ€‹

Inline Elements

Inline Elements
Inline Elements ©Elementor

Set Side-By-Sideโ€‹ Widgets Easily: You can now set widgets to be inline, meaning each widget will take up the minimum width it holds. Use inline width to place two buttons side-by-side inside the same column.

Absolute & Fixed Position

Absolute & Fixed Position
Absolute & Fixed Position ©Elementor

Move Widgets Around Freely: Use Position Absolute to freely drag widgets anywhere on the page, or choose Fixed Position to have it follow as the visitor scrolls through the page.

Vertical & Horizontal Alignment

Flexbox ©Elementor

The Power of Flexbox: Easily spread widgets across and down the column using new flex options: space between, space around & space evenly.

In addition you are now able to show or hide columns per device. Also, you can divide your Text Editor widget into columns, specify columns per device and set the gap between the columns. In terms of performance, they reduced the editor loading time by more than 50%. What a fantastic and exciting update!

Check Out Elementor (Pro) ยป


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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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