Fluent Forms: hCaptcha Now For Conversational Forms

Fluent Forms just released version 4.3.9 of their WordPress form builder plugin. The latest version introduces hCaptcha for conversational forms, a custom column width, an option to edit user profiles and more.

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hCaptcha For Conversational Forms ยฉFluent Forms

Previously, the hCaptcha field was only available in the general form fields section of Fluent Forms. With the latest update, you can now use hCaptcha in conversational forms as well. Simply create a conversational form, enable hCaptcha in the global settings and navigate to the advanced fields section.

User Profile Editing Option

User Profile
User Profile Editing Option ยฉFluent Forms

Fluent Forms also introduced a new user profile editing option for forms. Just head over to the Marketing & CRM Integrations section of your form settings to find the User Update option in the Services section.

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Partial Entry Bulk Delete

Partial Entry
Partial Entry Bulk Delete ยฉFluent Forms

They have also released a nice little feature that allows you to delete partial entries in bulk.

Regex Pattern On Conditional Logic

Regex Pattern
Regex Pattern For Conditional Logic ยฉFluent Forms

Fluent Forms now supports the formatted regex option for conditional logic. This way you can easily assign any command to your conditional logic option and collect more accurate data from your users.

Lastly, Fluent Forms added a new option to customize the column widths of forms via drag and drop. So you no longer have to deal with their global form styler or CSS.

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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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