Iconic Releases Flux Checkout Elements

The Iconic developers have just released Flux Checkout Elements, which will definitely revolutionize your WooCommerce checkout by making it modern, fast and unique.

Flux Checkout Elements

Flux Checkout Elements allow you to quickly and easily customize the WooCommerce checkout with custom messages, blocks and interactive elements. Basically, you can create custom checkout elements with Gutenberg.

It comes with the following 6 pre-built elements:

  • Free shipping reminder message,
  • Exchange & returns reminder message,
  • Flash sale banner with discount code,
  • Testimonial block with rating, name & quote,
  • Card images/logos block, and an
  • FAQ block.

Once you have created an element, you can easily position it in any of the 25+ placement locations in your checkout flow using the Position setting. It even comes with display conditions so you can show or hide elements based on user roles, product in card, product categories in cart and cart total.

In other news, Flux Checkout for WooCommerce now supports Divi and Elementor headers and footers. Check out the new Custom Header & Footer setting.


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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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