Kadence Blocks Now Supports Meta Box

Kadence WP just rolled out new features for Kadence Blocks, including three new Gutenberg blocks, flex layout, and support for Meta Box.

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New Features

David from WebTNG just released a video about the exciting new updates. Below you will find a short summary:

  • Three new blocks: New Section and Show More blocks (Free) as well as a new Dynamic List block (Pro).
  • Support for Meta Box, our favourite custom fields plugin for WordPress (Pro).
  • New option to dynamically source galleries and media (Pro).
  • New options to add sub lists to icon list block, set the link of a custom gallery image to “sponsored”, and add author link to post block (Free).
  • New option for the image block to set a max width for tablets and mobile devices (Free).
  • Flex layout: You can now use section blocks outside of rows for complete flex control layouts (Free).
  • New option for the section block to specify a min height and max width (Free).

Kadence Blocks can be purchased individually or as part of the Essential, Full and Lifetime Full Bundles.

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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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