KeyCDN: Push Zones Now Support WebP & Brotli

KeyCDN has just announced two new features for Push Zones that allow you to easily deliver WebP images and compressed Brotli assets. Both features will speed up the performance and make your website faster.

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WebP & Brotli

Push Zones have been extended with the features WebP caching and Brotli. Since launching Image Processing, KeyCDN customers have been able to optimize and transform images with great success. Now having WebP transformation also available for Push Zones, itโ€™s really easy to deliver WebP automatically even without an origin server.

Check out the benefits of WebP:

  • Smaller images result in faster loading times. Compared to JPEG there is a much better compression.
  • There is no need to transform images before uploading them to a Push Zone.
  • Supported by popular browsers.
  • It’s perfect for mobile users.

Further, Brotli compression has been enabled for all Push Zones by default. This means more efficient and faster compression than ever before.

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