Barn2: Better Search & Filtering For Posts Table Pro

Barn2 has just released Posts Table Pro version 2.5, which introduces a new standalone search box as well as SearchWP and FacetWP integrations to the popular WordPress table plugin for posts, pages, custom post types and more.

Standalone Search Box

Many users have asked for a way to insert a search box in other areas of their site, rather than just above the table. For a membership directory, for example, you may want to include a “Find Members” field on the home page or in the sidebar of your website.

The new standalone search box for Posts Table Pro comes with a widget and shortcode that allow you to insert a search box anywhere on your WordPress site. 

SearchWP Integration

The search of Posts Table Pro finds results that exactly match the search term of the user. However, you can now also use SearchWP to further customize the search logic. For example, you can control which data is searchable, set priorities, and store analytics data about how users search the posts table.

FacetWP Integration

Posts Table Pro already comes with filter dropdowns that appear above the table. However, you can now use it with FacetWP to add advanced filter widgets instead – either above or next to the table.


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