Recipe Card Blocks Pro Introduces WP Recipe Maker Import

Recipe Card Blocks Pro has just released an exciting new feature for their WordPress recipe plugin that allows you to easily import recipes from WP Recipe Maker. They have also released a new Recipe Rating shortcode and block, and a Nutrition Facts section in the Recipe block.

WP Recipe Maker

Import Recipes
Import Recipes in 4 Simple Steps ยฉRecipe Card Blocks

Since version 5.2.0, switching from WP Recipe Maker to Recipe Card Blocks Pro is a breeze. You no longer need to manually transfer your recipes one at a time. The import feature is a huge time saver and is performed in four simple steps:

  1. Scan all your existing recipes.
  2. Select the recipes you want to be imported.
  3. Click the Import button.
  4. All recipes from your pages/posts will be replaced with Recipe Card Blocks.

In the future, they plan to import recipes from other popular recipe plugins for WordPress, such as WP Tasty or Create by Mediavine. Stay tuned!

Nutrition Facts in Recipe Block

Nutrition Facts
Nutrition Facts ยฉRecipe Card Blocks

Recipe Card Blocks Pro now includes a Nutrition Facts section that appears at the end of a Recipe block. This allows you to provide your audience with important nutritional information such as calories, fat, carbohydrates and more to help them make informed choices about their meals.

You can enable Nutrition Facts in the Recipe Card Settings.

Recipe Rating Shortcode & Block

Recipe Rating
Recipe Rating Block ยฉRecipe Card Blocks

Finally, the Recipe Card Blocks Pro team has released a new shortcode and Gutenberg block that allows you to easily display your recipe ratings anywhere on your WordPress food blog.


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Stefan is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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