Category SEO


SEOPress Updates Organization & Product Schemas

Benjamin from SEOPress has just announced the release of version 7.4 of their SEO plugin for WordPress, introducing updated organization and product schemas and more. Organization & Product Schemas SEOPress has added the following new properties to the Organization schema…


SEOPress Announces New Pricing

Benjamin from SEOPress has just announced an important change in the pricing of its SEO plugin for WordPress, effective 1 March 2024. Lock in the old price now! New Pricing The new pricing will be as follows: Please note that…


SEOPress Now Integrates with GPT-4 Vision

Benjamin from SEOPress has just announced the release of version 7.2 of their SEO plugin for WordPress, introducing a new GPT-4 Vision integration. New GPT-4 Vision Integration OpenAI’s GPT-4 with Vision allows the model to take in images and answer…


SEOPress Adds WooCommerce Product Editor Compatibility

Benjamin from SEOPress has just announced the release of version 7.0 of their SEO plugin for WordPress, introducing compatibility with the new WooCommerce product editor and more. Support for New WooCommerce Editor The WooCommerce developers are still working on the…

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