Category SEO


SEOPress Rolls Out Google & Bing Instant Indexing

SEOPress just announced version 5.4 of their WordPress SEO plugin, introducing a new Google and Bing instant indexing feature which is even available in the free version. Lastly, they improved redirections in SEOPress Pro. Optimize The SEO Of Your WordPress…


Jasper Introduces Free SEO Course

Wouldn’t it be great if you had someone to write great content for you including headlines, marketing copy, blog posts, Facebook ads, SEO content, and more? Someone you don’t have to pay an expensive monthly salary to? And someone who…

Rank Math

Rank Math Rolls Out Content AI

The Rank Math team has been working hard on an exclusive, innovative, and ground-breaking feature for their WordPress SEO plugin. Drum roll… Content AI is finally there! Get Top-Notch SEO Tools For WordPress » Content AI As the name suggests, Content…


SEOPress Announces The Schema Update

SEOPress just announced the so-called Schema Update for their popular WordPress SEO plugin. This includes a manual “How-to” schema, automatic schemas improvements, and new schema properties. Optimize The SEO Of Your WordPress Sites » SEOPress 4.7 How-To Schema When editing…


SEOPress: Custom Capabilities & Dynamic Author Variables

SEOPress just announced various new features for their popular WordPress SEO plugin. This includes custom capabilities, dynamic variables for authors, better compatibility for page builders, and more. Optimize The SEO Of Your WordPress Sites » SEOPress 4.6 Custom CapabilitiesYou can…