Tutor LMS: Get Important Insights Into Your WordPress LMS Site

Tutor LMS allows you to run a fully-fledged e-learning platform based on WordPress. Did you know that you can also get detailed reports on what’s happening on your WordPress LMS site? Simply install the Report add-on to get started.

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Report Add-On

Tutor LMS comes with a dedicated add-on to check course overview, student enrolments, sales, and other reports in your dashboard.

Overview ยฉTutor LMS

After installing and activating the add-on you’ll get to the overview page at Tutor LMS > Report.

Student Enrolment Report
Student Enrolment Report ยฉTutor LMS

Directly after the overview you will find the student enrolment report for the current month.

Course Overall Status
Course Overall Status ยฉTutor LMS

Next, you’ll find the current status of the most popular online courses and the most recently enrolled courses side by side.

Course Detail Report
Course Detail Report ยฉTutor LMS

After clicking on Detailsy you will receive an even more detailed report on the course performance.

Student Progress Report
Student Progress Report ยฉTutor LMS
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In the Student Progress report you can see the overall progress of the students together with the student list for a given online course. This list contains the students’ names, their email address, the registration date, the number of lessons completed, a progress bar and a link to their profile page.

Recent Questions
Recent Questions ยฉTutor LMS

Here you can see the most recent questions asked by students at a glance and also answer them right from here.

Registration Report
Registration Report ยฉTutor LMS

The Registration report keeps you up to date with a list of all new registered students and teachers. You can also access their profiles directly from this report.

Courses Report
Courses Report ยฉTutor LMS

In the Courses report you can view the total number of students, lessons, assignments, quizzes and earnings from as little as 7 days to the previous year’s data.

Reviews Report
Reviews Report ยฉTutor LMS

In the Reviews report you can see all the reviews on one single page. If required, you will also find an option to delete individual reviews.

Sales Report
Sales Report ยฉTutor LMS

In the Sales report you will receive all important data and information about your students and your sales. This includes the order number, the instructor, the name of the course, the name of the student, the date of purchase, and the price of the sold online course.

Student Profile
Student Profile ยฉTutor LMS

Student profiles provide you with all the details of your students such as student ID, name, username, email, registration date, number of courses taken, progress report, and more.

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