WPCafe Now With Special Menu Of The Day

ThemeWinter delivered another item from the WPCafe roadmap as promised. The all-in-one restaurant plugin for WordPress just introduced a Special Menu of the Day, improved the location based food menu, and more.

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New Features

  • Special Menu of the Day
    This new feature allows you to set special menus and display them as pop-up notifications on your restaurant site. This certainly helps to increase the anticipation of the restaurant visit.
  • Better Location Based Food Menu
    From now on, customers can only select food menu items from a specific location during ordering time. When your users change location, their shopping cart will be automatically emptied.
  • Discard Option for Food with Reservation
    WPCafe added a new discard option to the Food with Reservation feature. If a user changes their plan, they can discard the reservation on the “Shopping Cart” page and before the “Checkout” of the order.

Whatโ€™s next?

They are currently working on three exciting new features. Table Layout Selection will allow customers to visually choose tables in your restaurant when making a reservation. A new Delivery module will allow you to manage restaurant deliveries more efficiently. Lastly, they will introduce Point of Sale (POS) and thermal printer integrations. Stay tuned!

Get The Food Menu, Delivery & Restaurant Reservation Plugin ยป


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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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