Barn2: Posts Table Pro With New Table Generator

Katie from Barn2 has just released Posts Table Pro version 3.0, introducing a new table generator with a simple, visual interface that makes it much easier to add beautiful tables to your WordPress site.

New Table Generator

The table generator is a great alternative to shortcodes and works as follows:

  • In the WordPress admin you will find a new Posts Tables section, which replaces the previous settings page. To create a table, simply click on the Add New button.
  • The table generator will then guide you through each step of creating your table.
  • Finally, you can insert your finished table into a page using the new Post Table Gutenberg block. Alternatively, you can paste the shortcode created by the Table Generator anywhere on your site.

Note that existing tables can still be used as the old Posts Table Pro shortcode will still work. The plugin now gives you an additional option to create tables more easily in the future.


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