Better Stack Rolls Out Presets, Histograms & On-Call Integrations

The Better Stack team has just introduced presets, histograms and on-call integrations to its infrastructure monitoring platform.

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Presets ยฉBetter Stack

Searching Live Tail just got a lot easier You can now save your most used queries as presets. Previously used Views are now merged into Presets, so you can access them seamlessly from your Live Tail.


Histogram ยฉBetter Stack

You can quickly gain insight into the results of your query and speed up your investigation. Live Tail now includes a log volume histogram, allowing you to spot trends and quickly drill down to a specific time interval.

On-Call Integrations

Incident Management
Incident Management ยฉBetter Stack

Are you still using PagerDuty for incident management and alerting? The new native integration (in beta) allows you to export all incidents and more.

Don’t want to integrate? Then try Better Stack’s built-in and intuitive on-call service which is great for large teams!

Multiple Google & Outlook Calendars

Scheduling On-Call Duties
Scheduling On-Call Duties ©Better Stack

Are you using external calendars for on-call management in Better Stack? Good news: Both Google and Microsoft Outlook calendar integrations now support multiple calendar connections.


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Stefan is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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