Debutify: New Back In Stock, Page Speed Booster & Skip Cart Add-Ons

Debutify 3.0 came out only 4 months ago with lots of new features. Now the developers have released version 3.0.3 of the free Shopify theme. Although it seems to be only a minor update, you will certainly be surprised by the many new add-ons. There are ten new add-ons including Back in Stock, Page Speed Booster, and Skip Cart.

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New Debutify Add-Ons

  • Product Bullet Points Add-On
    Add customizable bullet points with icons to your product page. Make your biggest product benefits stand out!
  • Back In Stock Add-On
    Show a newsletter signup form whenever a product variant is sold out. This way you can inform your prospects when a product they are interested in is back in stock for them to buy!
  • Page Speed Booster Add-On
    Preload pages whenever visitors hover over a link for “x” seconds. It will look like your pages load instantly!
  • Skip Cart Add-On
    Now you can send customers directly to the checkout page when they click the Add to Cart button!
  • Order Feedback Add-On
    Add a form to the shopping cart where customers can tell you how they heard about your online store.
  • Inactive Tab Message Add-On
    Display a different page title when a customer is leaving the browser or switching to a different browser tab.
  • Synched Variant Image Add-On
    Automatically select the product variant when the corresponding product image is selected.

Other add-ons include Cart Favicon, Agree to Terms, and Collection Filters. They also introduced a free feature called split description. This way you can split your product descriptions into the two most important selling points first, everything else later – just like Amazon does!

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Stefan is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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