Groundhogg Rolls Out Custom Reports

Groundhogg just introduced custom reports to their WordPress marketing automation and CRM plugin. This can give you even more insight into the behaviour of your audience to better market to them.

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Custom Reports

ยฉGroundhogg Dashboard

Goundhogg 2.6.3 adds a new option to the free core plugin that allows you to create custom reports directly from the dashboard, providing deep insights into your audience and performance.

Create Report
Create Report ยฉGroundhogg

Simply head over to Groundhogg > Dashboard > Custom and click the Create Report button. For starters, you can choose from the following three report types. More reports will be added over time.

  • Pie Charts
  • List Table
  • Number

Then use Groundhogg’s search filter engine to select subsets of contacts and custom fields such as birthday for example to generate data in the reports.

By clicking on the data in any report, you can immediately access the contact page for the corresponding query.

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