LifterLMS 3.0: New Universe Bundle, One-Page Checkout & Flexible Course Access Plans

One-Screen Checkout
LifterLMS 3.0: New Simplified One-Page Checkout ยฉcodeBOX

codeBOX just proudly announced the release of LifterLMS 3.0, a pretty popular WordPress LMS plugin. Good news first, LifterLMS can still be downloaded for free and comes with tons of exciting new features. However, where there is light, there is also shadow. This major update is breaking backwards compatibility for quite a lot of LifterLMS features. Also two ecommerce features have been moved from the free version to paid add-ons.

To cut a long story short: The free version became more powerful and for PayPal and WooCommerce you would need to buy add-ons now. However, they have also introduced a new Universe Bundle.

Get your hands on LifterLMS from as low as $0 ยป

LifterLMS Course Access Plans
LifterLMS 3.0 : New Flexible Course Access Plan Builder ยฉcodeBOX

New Features

  • Unified one-screen checkout to boost conversions: Registration/login on checkout page
  • Versatile & flexible pricing & membership engine for creating course access plans (both free & paid)
  • Automated course & membership access start & end
  • Improved integration of LifterLMS Stripe plugin
  • New manual order type
  • New LifterLMS PayPal add-on
  • New LifterLMS WooCommerce add-on
  • Course tile base designs with a modern flat look & feel
  • Improved coupon system with better reporting & more control over options
  • New user profile field management options
  • New open registration options
  • Improved LifterLMS voucher system with “hide” & “required” options for selling courses & memberships offline
  • New pricing table on course page
  • New student management & order interfaces
  • New refund system for Stripe, PayPal & manual refunds
  • Support for right side currency display & zero decimal currency
  • Improved My Account page, e.g. new pagination
  • LifterLMS analytics with new interface & performance improvements
  • New set-up guide
LifterLMS Pricing Table
LifterLMS 3.0: New Pricing Table ยฉcodeBOX

Universe Bundle

Along with the introduction of above new add-ons, codeBOX have also released the Universe Bundle into the wild. As the name suggests, it allows to get your hands on the entire LifterLMS product family aka all its extensions as well as the LaunchPad theme from just $299. The retail price is more than $800.

Existing customers can upgrade to the Universe Bundle, but need to contact them via their contact form. Please note that the LifterLMS Boost services are not included in the bundle.

LifterLMS helps you to convert your expertise and life experiences into income by creating impactful online courses with ease.

Get your hands on LifterLMS from as low as $0 ยป


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