Oviond Improves Google & Facebook Integrations

Oviond just improved some of their integrations for a better experience on their digital marketing data platform, including the Google My Business, Facebook, Google Analytics, and Google Ads integrations.

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Better Integrations

  • Google My Business (GMB)
    Report on multiple locations in one widget or simply add individual locations to each widget in a dashboard/report. In addition, you can now also connect multiple locations to one client. 
  • New Facebook Metrics
    They added the following new metrics: Total Published Posts, Post Link Clicks, and Other Post Clicks.
  • Google Analytics
    You can now report on all or individual Campaigns, Events, and Source/Mediums within an account.
  • Google Ads
    Reports on Campaigns and AdGroups on chart types that show trends (area, line, and column graphs).

Sound interesting? Get started with a free 15-day trial today!

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