SearchWP Related 1.5 With New Gutenberg Block & Styling Options

As mentioned in The Pier #29, the SearchWP team rolled out the Related extension in version 1.5, introducing a new Gutenberg block, a new shortcode for manual embedding and new styling options.

Layout Design
Layout Design ©SearchWP

By offering content or products that match the interests of your site visitors, you’re not only enhancing their browsing experience, you’re fulfilling needs they may not even realise they have.

That is why SearchWP has revamped the Related extension to better meet the needs of your users and to give you more control over the design.

Check out the new features and improvements:

  • 5 Pre-designed theme styles,
  • 2 Layout styles,
  • Control over title, description and image,
  • Ability to configure and select search engines (With the Supplemental Engine, you can even set the conditions for the relevant content.)

Finally, SearchWP has introduced a new Gutenberg block and a new shortcode for manual embedding.


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Stefan is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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