Tag Online Courses

MemberMouse Courses

MemberMouse Introduces Courses

MemberMouse is an enterprise-level membership plugin for WordPress that was acquired by MemberPress earlier this year. Now, they have introduced Courses. MemberMouse Courses Courses for MemberMouse is a brand-new extension that allows you to easily create, design and sell online…

ChatGPT Integration

Tutor LMS Now Integrates With ChatGPT

The Tutor LMS developers have just proudly announced a seamless integration of their WordPress LMS plugin with ChatGPT. It allows you to generate next-level content for your online courses and more. ChatGPT Integration In case you haven’t heard of it,…


MemberPress Announces Course Quizzes

MemberPress just rolled out an all-new Quizzes feature for their WordPress membership plugin which is built right into the MemberPress Courses add-on. There’s no need to download and enable an additional add-on. Create Awesome WordPress Membership Sites » Quizzes For Courses The…