Typedesk Introduces Multi-Select For Canned Responses

Are you also tired of having to write the same answers over and over again? If only there was a tool that could simplify these annoying, daily recurring and time-consuming tasks for you? Typedesk is the answer to the question! It’s a great tool for your entire team to create, manage, and use canned responses – for customer support, sales teams, social media managers, and more.

Due to popular demand, they have just introduced multi-select, better shortcuts, and clipboard restoration.

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Create A Variable List In Canned Responses ©Typedesk

You can now enable multi-select to build a variable list of items in your responses, e.g. missing elements for a contract. Simply choose a “Select” variable to get started.

You can even use several separators for multi-select variables! For example, you can display “George, Tim and Lucy” instead of “George, Tim, Lucy”.

Better Shortcuts

You can now choose between the 4 predefined characters to trigger your shortcuts! This is available in the settings of the app.

In addition, they have made it possible to change the shortcut to create a new response.

Dark Mode

Dark Mode
New Dark Mode ©Typedesk

Typedesk also introduced a new dark mode and a translucent sidebar on macOS.

Clipboard Restoration

Typedesk needs to replace your clipboard to work everywhere. When you use a quick shortcut, it now automatically restores the content that was in there before.

In addition, they have started an update of the user interface to make Typedesk more user-friendly and accessible. This includes colour contrast, spacing, etc. Stay tuned!

Lastly, Typedesk improved the two-factor authentication feature. It will now remember your devices after the first login!

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