Uxcel Releases New Salary Explorer & UX Design Leadership Course

Uxcel has just launched a new Salary Explorer and a new UX Design Leadership online course for its e-learning and career platform for UI/UX designers.

Salary Explorer

UX/UI Designer Salaries in United States ©Uxcel

The new Uxcel Salary Explorer is a new feature designed to help you make better career decisions. Check out the benefits:

  • Discover what you’re really worth in the UX industry.
  • Plan your career growth with detailed insights into global salaries.
  • Strategize your next career move with confidence.

Whether you’re negotiating your next salary or just curious about current market rates in different countries and roles, our Salary Explorer is here to guide you every step of the way.

UX Design Leadership Course

UX Design Leadership
Master the Art of Leading Design Teams ©Uxcel

The new UX Design Leadership online course is designed for those who want to master the art of leading design teams and improve their leadership skills in any environment.

This 3 hour, 13 lesson advanced course will take you through:

  • Understanding the nature of design leadership.
  • Strategies for effectively leading diverse and remote design teams.
  • Techniques for cultivating design excellence in your teams.

Whether you’re leading a team or stepping into a leadership role, this course offers insights into conflict resolution, strategic team management and methods for recruiting top talent.

Not a user yet? Get your free Uxcel account now or save 25% on all plans usingย this link.


Biff Codes - The Job Board for WordPress Devs

Biff.codes is on a mission to revolutionize job boards. Post and find WordPress developer jobs for free.

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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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