New Arrivals: BeProfit & Product Recommendation Quiz For WooCommerce

The WooCommerce Marketplace just announced the arrival of two new plugins that allow you to turn more browsers into buyers using product-matching quizzes and track your store’s profits with ease. Meet BeProfit and Product Recommendation Quiz for WooCommerce.

Product Recommendation Quiz

You can think of the Product Recommendation Quiz for WooCommerce as a digital personal assistant. It guides customers from the beginning to the shopping cart and helps them find exactly the products that best fit their needs. It virtually does the selling for you and helps recover abandoned carts, capture leads and grow your audience.

The plugin can be yours for $29.

Get A Digital Personal Assistant That Does The Selling For You »


BeProfit is a profit analytics and reporting plugin that integrates your WooCommerce online shop store with BeProfit’s powerful financial calculators.

Basically, it simplifies huge amounts of data and translates it into a visual format that facilitates profit tracking.

The plugin is available free of charge, but requires a BeProfit account.

Find Out How Your WooCommerce Store Is Performing »

All subscription-based licenses entitle you to one year of free updates and support. WooCommerce are providing a 30-day money-back guarantee.


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Stefan is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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