WordPress.com Releases Studio for Local Development

Wojtek from WordPress.com has just announced the official release of Studio, a new free and open source local WordPress development environment. In The Pier #43 we have already covered this news.

Studio by WordPress.com

Powered by WordPress Playground, the WebAssembly based PHP binary, Studio allows you to easily build WordPress sites locally.

Studio provides a seamless solution for building and running WordPress sites directly on your local machine. Note that Studio is currently only available for Mac, with the Windows version in early access. You can also share your work in progress aka clones or demo sites with clients and team members.

Once you have connected Studio to your WordPress.com account, you can create hosted clones of your local sites, which will be hosted on a temporary domain and will be active for seven days after the last update. Of course, you can still push updates from your local site to your hosted demo site.

WordPress.com gives you up to five free active demo sites associated with your account at any given time. This makes Studio an interesting alternative to LocalWP by Flywheel and DevKinsta. What do you think?


Biff Codes - The Job Board for WordPress Devs

Biff.codes is on a mission to revolutionize job boards. Post and find WordPress developer jobs for free.

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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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