Category WordPress

PublishPress Authors 4

PublishPress Authors 4 Now With Author Boxes & Fields

PublishPress has just released PublishPress Authors 4 with author boxes and author fields, added a new user testing feature to PublishPress Capabilities, improved the Teaser feature in PublishPress Permissions, and more. PublishPress Authors 4 PublishPress Authors is a great plugin for…

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms Releases ACF Forms Add-on

Shortly after adding the Link by Stripe feature to the WordPress form builder plugin, the developers at Formidable Forms have just released the new ACF Forms add-on. ACF Forms Do you finally want to control Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) fields…

WP Tasty

Strategy11 Acquires WP Tasty & Nutrifox

At the end of November, Strategy11 announced the acquisition of WP Tasty, a powerful suite of WordPress plugins for food bloggers, and Nutrifox. WP Tasty & Nutrifox Acquisition Aside from the ownership change, it’s business as usual. You can continue…

WS Form

WS Form Now Integrates With FunnelKit & Breakdance

The folks at WS Form have just released a new FunnelKit integration for their WordPress form builder plugin. It allows you to send form data to FunnelKit for further automation. New FunnelKit Add-on As mentioned above, the new FunnelKit (formerly…

Affiliate Registration Form Blocks

AffiliateWP Improves Registration Forms

AffiliateWP has just released an update to their affiliate marketing plugin for WordPress that makes custom affiliate registration forms even more customizable. Affiliate Registration Form Blocks In version 2.10.0 AffiliateWP has added a wide range of new Gutenberg blocks that…

Rank Math

Rank Math Adds Free HTML Sitemaps & TOC Block

Rank Math has just added another highly requested feature to their SEO plugin for WordPress. Say hello to HTML sitemaps, available in the free version. They have also released a brand new Table of Contents block. Free HTML Sitemaps Rank…

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