WPCafe: New Mini Cart Styles, Order Bumps & Coupons

WPCafe just launched a bunch of new features for their WordPress restaurant plugin. Version 1.6.3 brings new mini cart styles, order bumps, discount coupons, and more.

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Mini Cart Styles

The WPCafe team has added brand new mini cart styles. These make it more likely that customers will want to purchase more items.

Order Bumps

Order Bumps
Cross-Sell With Order Bumps ยฉWPCafe

Now, you can easily add order bumps to your mini cart and encourage your customers to buy better items. This will then increase the order value. You can also encourage your customers to buy frequently purchased food items every time they shop to increase your sales – all this can now be done directly from within the mini cart.

Mini Cart With Coupon Field

Coupon Field
Coupon Field ยฉWPCafe

You can now give customers the option to redeem discount coupons in the mini cart so they can see the total price after discount directly.

Multiple Schedules

Multiple Schedules
Display Multiple Schedules In Reservation Form ยฉWPCafe

It is now easier for guests to schedule their reservation at your restaurant as you can display multiple schedules. The time and date format on the reservation form has also been revised to increase user experience.

Lastly, you can show more items to customers via the new variation pop-up gallery.

Get The Food Menu, Delivery & Restaurant Reservation Plugin ยป


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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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