EmailOctopus Rolls Out New Multi-Level User Access

EmailOctopus just announced a couple of new features for their powerful email marketing platform including multi-level user access and automated Google Analytics link tracking.

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Multi-Level User Access

Multi-Level User Access
Assign Access Levels For Different Users ยฉEmailOctopus

You can now assign one of the four following access levels aka user roles to each user you invite to your EmailOctopus account:

  • Admin – Full access and can perform all actions in your account
  • Manager – Full access, but cannot add users or export lists
  • Analyst – Can only view campaigns and reports
  • Accountant – Can only view receipts and update card payment details

Simply invite and manage existing users at Account > Account Settings > Users.

Automated Google Analytics Link Tracking

Link Tracking
Automatically Add Google Analytics Link Tracking ยฉEmailOctopus

With just a single click, you can now automatically add UTM parameters to the links in your EmailOctopus email campaigns to track performance in Google Analytics. If enabled, they will automatically add the source, medium and campaign values to each of your links. However, you can also override these default settings.

Finally, more social icons are now available. In your email campaigns, you can now add links to your Patreon, Reddit, Telegram or Tiktok pages.

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