Fluent Forms: New Address Fields in Conversational Forms

About two months after the release of version 5.0, Fluent Forms has just introduced new address fields for conversational forms with Google Maps support, an improved inventory feature and more for its WordPress form builder plugin.

Address Fields in Conversational Forms

Address fields are finally available in conversational forms. And in the Pro version of Fluent Forms, you can even display Google Maps below the address fields.

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Improved Inventory Feature

Inventory Details Page
Inventory Details Page ยฉFluent Forms

With Fluent Forms, you can create not only contact forms or newsletter subscription forms, but also advanced forms such as product order forms. For these, keeping track of your inventory is crucial.

In version 5.0.8, Fluent Forms has improved the inventory management feature by adding an Inventory Details page where you can see at a glance a summary of the initial inventory, used quantity and remaining quantity.

You also have the option to hide or disable the input fields in order forms for products that are out of stock.

What’s More?

In other news, Fluent Forms has updated its Airtable integration using the latest API integration system. Finally, the ACF repeater field is now available on post update.


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Ahoi.dev is a ShabuShabu project by Stefan Glumpler & Boris Glumpler - a brother and web designer / developer team based in Munich, Germany. Servus from Bavaria!

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